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Teaching Philosophy

In my teaching, I strive to link the subject of study with my experience working as a structural design engineer. Problem-based learning is intrinsic to my teaching philosophy. I strongly believe this enables students to apply, integrate and consolidate theoretical concepts to solve complex problems that engineers typically encounter in their professional practice.


My current course offerings at UBC are listed below.


CIVL 506: Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering

Prescriptive versus performance-based seismic design. Overview of key elements of performance-based earthquake engineering including theory and applications: hazard analysis, response simulation, damage and consequence estimation, and quantitative decision-making.


CIVL 331: Steel and Timber Design

Introduction to limit states design of steel and timber structures: design objectives, design loads and load combinations, structural safety, material properties, design of tension and compression members, beams, columns, and connections.

CIVL 432: Advanced Structural Steel Design

Design of steel structures to resist vertical and lateral loads. Floor and roof systems including conceptual layout, floor deck, beams, joists, trusses, and columns. Stability issues and limit states design. Connections and construction aspects. Seismic design.

Directed Studies

CIVL 492 or CIVL 592: Directed Studies

I am occasionally available supervise graduate (CIVL 592) or undergraduate (CIVL 492) students under a directed studies scheme. This will typically consist of a short research project that students can undertake for credit. If interested, please contact me to arrange a meeting.

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